本帖最后由 荣耀云服务 于 2021-6-11 16:17 编辑
基于荣耀和华为品牌拆分运营的需要,为更好为您提供服务,荣耀终端有限公司上线荣耀品牌独立的帐号系统——荣耀帐号(HONOR ID)。荣耀帐号为荣耀终端用户提供帐号服务,您使用荣耀帐号可以访问荣耀商城、荣耀亲选、荣耀俱乐部、我的荣耀等荣耀服务。
为保证您使用荣耀产品体验的一致性和商城积分、用户等级等权益的延续性,您可以将原荣耀设备或荣耀亲选等荣耀服务上使用过的“华为帐号”相关联的个人信息同步至荣耀帐号中。荣耀帐号将延续原数据控制者的责任和义务,按照您同意的隐私声明的约定处理并保护您的个人信息。 如您对上述内容有任何问题,您可以通过荣耀帐号客服邮箱rycare@hihonor.com与我们联系。
荣耀帐号 2021.06.02 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear user:
To separate Honor from Huawei, and to provide betterservices for you, we have launched an independent ID system for Honor - HONOR ID. HONOR ID is used for any Honor services that require ID, such as HONOR Store, HONOR Choice, HONOR Club, and My HONOR.
You can sync your personal information associated with your HUAWEI ID originally used for your Honor device or service (such as HONOR Choice) to your HONOR ID to keep the consistency of your product experience,your bonus points at HONOR Store, and the continuity of your rights andinterests, such as your user level. The original data controller will continueto take the responsibility and obligation to process and protect your personalinformation according to the privacy statement you have agreed to.
If you have any questions for anything in this letter, please contact our HONOR ID customer service at rycare@hihonor.com.
HONOR ID 2021-06-02 |
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